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Network Visualization Engine

Project Description

The aim of NETVUE is to design an intuitive realtime visualization system using a simple unified metaphor—the geographic map—to readily visualize network activity of interest.

The proposed visualization system will be used in conjunction with a distributed Intrusion Detection System  (DIDS) to rapidly identify network intrusions such as port scans, denial-of-service attacks, and topological attacks in mobile networks.

In the News

New papers and poster!
IMap: Visualizing Network Activity over Internet Maps.
[J. Fowler, T. Johnson, P. Simonetto, M. Schneider, C. Acedo, S. Kobourov, and L. Lazos. IMap: Visualizing Network Activity over Internet Maps. In VIZSEC, 2014.]
IMap pdf Paper [10 MB] IMap poster Poster [31 MB]
Network Anomaly Detection Using Autonomous System Flow Aggregates.
[T. Johnson, and L. Lazos. Network Anomaly Detection Using Autonomous System Flow Aggregates. In GLOBECOM 2014.]
GlobeCom 2014 paper Paper
Visualizing Graphs as Maps with Contiguous Regions.
[S. Kobourov, S. Pupyrev, and P. Simonetto. Visualizing Graphs as Maps with Contiguous Regions. In EuroViz, 2014.]
GlobeCom 2014 paper Paper