Contact Info:
Peter E. Bailey
(651) 808-4770
Email address: peter.eldridge.bailey@gmail.com
I am a Ph.D. student in computer science at the University of Arizona, working with Professor David Lowenthal. I am interested in power-aware runtime systems, high-performance computing, GPUs, and machine learning.
Current project: Creating a runtime system and bounding performance for power-constrained parallel applications.
Curriculum Vitae:
External Links:
"Finding the Limits of
Power-Constrained Application
Presented at the
International Conference for High Performance
Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2015
"A Run-Time System for
Power-Constrained HPC Applications"
Accepted to
the International
Supercomputing Conference.
"Massively Parallel Simulations
of Hemodynamics in the Primary Large Arteries of the
Human Vasculature"
Accepted to
the 2015
International Conference on Computational Science.
"Adaptive Configuration
Selection for Power-Constrained Heterogeneous
Presented at
the 43rd annual
International Conference on Parallel Processing.
"Quantitaive Trait Locus
Analysis Using a Partitioned Linear Model on a GPU
Presented at
the 11th IEEE
International Workshop on High Performance
Computational Biology.
"Accelerating Lattice Boltzmann Fluid Flow
Simulations Using Graphics Processors"
Presented at
the 2009
International Conference on Parallel Processing